George Brown Dance Graduate and Honour Student 2020
Ballet Jörgen Junior Company 2019-2020
RBC Apprentice 2021
Company Member Since 2022
Originally from Montréal, QC, Lydia-Laure Germain completed with honours the Dance Performance program at George Brown College in April 2020 and was awarded the Dean’s Medal upon graduation. After receiving her classical formation at l’Académie du Ballet métropolitain de Montréal, Lydia performed as a Studio Company member with Ballet Arizona during their 2018-2019 season. She has also danced professionally in Les Grands Ballets Canadiens and Ballet Ouest de Montréal’s Nutcracker, and Ballet de Québec’s Sleeping Beauty. Throughout her dance formation, Lydia had the opportunity to train with prestigious international ballet schools, namely the Bolshoi Ballet Academy, l’École de danse de l’Opéra national de Paris, the Royal Danish Ballet School, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School, and the Royal Ballet School of London. Lydia danced as a member of Ballet Jörgen’s Junior Company in 2019 and 2020 and was promoted to Company Dancer in 2022.
Lydia-Laure is sponsored by Marie-Elle Carrothers.