Romeo & Juliet
An intriguing and engaging perspective on a timeless story of love and innocence.
Choreographer: Bengt Jörgen, C.M.
Music: Sergei Prokofiev
Set & Lighting Design: Glenn Davidson
Costume Design: Gary Dahms
Number of Dancers: 15, plus opportunities for local youth dancers
Running Time: 2 hours, plus one intermission
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Shakespeare’s tale of love, anguish and revenge is masterfully transformed into Bengt Jörgen’s magical world of ballet. While remaining true to the original story, Jörgen focuses on creating a clear and emotionally driven journey into this timeless classic. Romeo & Juliet has sparked the imagination of many an artist, and inspired Bengt Jörgen to create works of intimacy and warmth.
Ballet Jorgen’s Romeo & Juliet premiered in 1997 and has toured around the world to critical acclaim. To ensure the ballet remains as beautiful and vibrant as is was over 20 years ago, it is receiving significant updates for the 2020-2021 North American Tour with new sets and costumes.
“Our story of love begins with the smell of a rose and the prick of a thorn. The journey as two lovers unite and a mother defies — in the end it’s a story that is more pure than dark.”
– Bengt Jörgen, C.M., Artistic Director