Face, en – Facing straight front
Failli – A “fake-out” step
Fish Dive
A partnered step in the shape of a “fish”
Fondu – A plié on one leg instead of two
From French, meaning “molten,” fondu can describe the quality of the movement as well as the mechanics of folding the legs underneath you on one leg instead of two.
Fouetté – A quick change of direction of the body, or a movement of the leg
From French, meaning whipped, can either be a quick change of direction of the upper body and hips with the leg extended, or a quick movement of the working leg as it passes in front or behind the supporting leg.Fouetté rond de jambe en tournant – A turn, most often done continuously
A turn in which the working leg extends before whipping back into the passé retiré position (see right) to complete the turn. Can be done with the working leg moving from front to side before coming in, or straight to the side. The name is often abbreviated to just “Fouettés.”Frappé
See “Battement Frappé”
French School
A general term, ascribed to the classical ballet technique which started in the court of King Louis XIV, and has been carried through to present day at the Paris Opera Ballet School and taught throughout France today.